Sunday, September 9, 2012

Which Path Do We Take? (post 3)

Dr. Yoo opened the visitation room door. He glanced at me and then my brother and signaled for us to move into a more private room. The doors closed and we were once more faced with decisions. What had once seemed like the best opportunity for my mother no longer seemed to be so. He gave us his honest and professional opinions about the type of cancer she had, the consequences of each of the choices he presented us and a short amount of time to come to a conclusion. We could a) continue with the procedure and risk losing her memory, ability to think and make decisions b) take her home and make her comfortable or c) biopsy the tissue with a less invasive procedure and then make our final decision. With the procedure only 2 hours away my brother and I quickly discussed what was to date the hardest decision we have ever made. Should we try to save a life we love and risk losing that which makes her unique in the process or take her home, make her comfortable and live out a shorter amount of time together. At this point we consulted with Pat and Jenny Caughey to ensure that we all came to the same conclusion.
The decision was unanimous….the quality of our mothers life was and is so much more important that the time we get to spend with her. We agreed that we would biopsy the tissue. Within a few hours our Uncle Richard was there and we walked hand in hand to our mother’s room. Making the decision seemed so easy compared to telling our mother she was dying. We stayed strong and God flowed through our words as we told her the severity of the situation and the decision we made. The strength of our family has been tested so much and in each of these situations we can only see it bond even more closely together.
Next was the family and friends gathered in the waiting room. We were encouraged by their love and support. How blessed we are to be surrounded by so many amazing people who we are able to rely on time after time.
The biopsy was done…all were ready for sleep….though non of us did. And the waiting game began.

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